Retainer Services

Retainer Services


Yolk retainer fee is based on your contract.

Good for small businesses or personal bloggers with no IT support or lacking WordPress-specific experience. Our Services consist of:

  • Uptime Monitoring, Website Cloud Backups,
  • WordPress Core Updates, Theme/Plugin Updates, Database Optimization, Malware and Website Security Watch, Google Analytics Connected and watch for errors and broken links, Basic Quarterly Reports,
  • Also includes up to 2 hrs/each month of
  • Website Content Management or Marketing Services
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SKU: RF-U1 Categories: ,
Per 1 Unit 0r Package

$1 Monthly Retainer, $25 Monthly Retainer, $50 Monthly Retainer, $80 Monthly Retainer, $120 Monthly Retainer, $150 Monthly Retainer, $180 Monthly Retainer, $200 Monthly Retainer, $225 Monthly Retainer, $250 Monthly Retainer, $300 Monthly Retainer